
I went for a walk in the sun and the gusty wind today with a few people today. I'd just met them recently. They're not part of the company I work for, but their company shares our building. I didn't realize how blurry my distance vision gets after many hours of staring at the computer screen. I mean, I knew it was bad, but didn't realize how bad until I tried looking around outside. I also didn't realize how much a short break from work and a little bit of socializing can do. I'm usually reluctant to leave my desk, even for a cup of water. My fingers are glued to this keyboard. My eyes are glued to this screen. My butt is glued to this chair. The only thing that gets me up is hunger and my oral fixation. I snack like a fiend here. Everyone knows me as "that girl we always see in the snack room." It's so bad for me...