
Hm... Not having had much real-life experience with them, I'm not even sure I know what gay people are like in general. I've assumed they are just like you and I. No real difference in overall human behavior, of course. I don't know if there are really any trends or accurate stereotypes among them.

I figure the majority of gay people don't really "act gay" the way that films and shows and other such forms of audiovisual entertainment have them acting. However, I'm not sure which is truer most of the time... reel-life imitates real-life, or vice versa... or even verce visa (are both imitating each other, kinda like the whole black-face thing?)

Seems like there is homosexual, and there is gay. They are not quite the same thing. In addition to meaning homosexual and happy, gay seems to be an adjective used to describe a set of mannerisms, or a person who displays those mannerisms, who may or may not be homosexual.

Is it me, or does it seem like a lot of guys in marketing are gay?