
I'm on a buncha mailing lists to get emails about Asian parties. Sometime last week, after I checked out some of the recent party pictures from one of those parties, I decided that I've already been to my last Asian party.

Don't bother inviting me out to another one. I won't go.

I realized that I've passed the ideal age to go to those things. I can no longer hang with a young and effortlessly gorgeous and nubile crowd without appearing out of place. I can't fool anyone about my age anymore, and my looks no longer justify my being there. I don't want to be one of those fogies at those parties that inspire the following comment the next day among the younger people: "The crowd was kinda old last nite... you know, like mid-late to late 20s?" The music tends to suck at those parties anyhow... so I've no real urge to go to these things anyway. Maybe they are better in LA.