
I received an email about my 10-year HS reunion. It's being planned for this summer.

I didn't make the 5-year, and now I wish I had. If there was one reunion to make, it was that 5-year... when being slim & single and looking young & fresh were still enviable. There were only 39 people (25 girls/14 guys) in my graduating class. Most of them haven't seen me since we graduated. I'd gotten the awfully-quiet-smart-studious-Asian-girl label in HS (I really wasn't studious), and I'd heard a lot of them had gotten themselves hitched and pregnant and fat in the five years. So I think I would've blown them all away at the 5-year.

I'd only not gone because Lia didn't. It's questionable whether Lia's gonna be able to make the 10-year. I'm debating whether to go or not. Being relatively slim & still single aren't as impressive at this age/stage. What else do I have to show for the last 10 years? Now it's like, "What's wrong with you? Why do you not have a hubby? Where are your babies? Where is your domestic bliss? Why are you not living happily and jolly ever after like we all are?"

If I decide to go, I'll come up with some really good answers to those questions beforehand. I won't hesitate to get creative and colorful.