
This bite on my face is twice the size now as it was this morning. I can see it in my peripheral vision.

So my week o' pain continues. This is my week o' physical pain. Last week was my week o' mental pain.

My stress level has gone down significantly. I'm finally looking forward to my vacation, the week with my folks and the week away from Babe, not just looking forward to getting it over with. Hopefully, it'll b a week o' no pain at all. Just rest, relaxation, and refocusing.

I see now that with me it's always the anticipation of pain and the anxiety that comes with the anticipation that is much worse than the pain itself. The pain itself is easy to take. It's the pain that I didn't expect or pain that is worse than expected that gets me. It's become a habit for me to overcompensate and expect more pain and start suffering even before anything happens.

I'm not afraid to be silly every so often.