
The li'l mofos got to me while I was sleeping last night.

I woke up around 1am to a faint buzzing near my left ear. It got louder and I felt something tickling my face. I swatted at it and felt it fly around my hand and head for a second or two, and then no more. It seemed to have gone away.

I wondered if it bit me. Didn't check. Just tried to go back to sleep.

Couldn't sleep.

Heard the buzzing again a few minutes later. Couldn't tell how many there were. I swatted it/them away again and sat up. I was so irritated. I tried to go back to sleep with my face buried under the blanket. It was hard to sleep 'cuz of the heat... and I kept thinking they were all gonna come after me while I'm passed out and eat up my face.

Then this morning I found a pretty big bite on my left cheek. The fuckers...

I just bought some Raid. Will have some fun with it tonite.