
Ever since Sunday nite, I've had a renewed interest in living in the City. Maybe not specifically in San Francsico. Maybe any popular, bustling, culturally rich city. The interest returned after I watched Kissing Jessica Stein, a movie I'd recommend you watch if you are a girl wondering if she could ever do bisexuality. The story took place in New York.

I see the City as a place wherein things are taking place that I'm interested in being a part of, but don't currently do because I don't have similarly interested friends with whom to do them. I see the City as a place full of artists and musicians, quirky and intellectually stimulating... I see where I live now, in suburbia, as a place full of computers geeks and outdoor sports buffs, lazy and laidback...

When was the last time I watched a musical, or sat through a performance by an orchestra or dance troupe? When was the last time I went to a film festival? When was the last time I evaluated/critiqued a piece of art, or a literary work, or a musical or artistic performance with anyone? Where are all the people who would do these things with me?

In the City! That's what I figure... and I'm not there. I have to get myself out there. I have to find a way "in" with those people... Maybe I can do so remotely? I can't move outta this area for awhile...