
One of my housemates, Pedro, has been out of town for about two weeks now... and it's been nice without him around. I've had the bathroom to myself, and I haven't had to worry as much about making too much noise in my room. His room is right next to mine.

Apparently, I talk loudly. I type loudly. I shuffle around in here loudly. I listen to my music loud. Maybe I even breathe loudly. People, roommates/housemates, say so... I'm not aware of my own volume. I try to be considerate... but I must be a little deaf. People say I can't whisper...

I say the walls here at my place are too thin. The condo is cheaply built. The condo and the complex as a whole look sharp from the outside. Once you step inside, you notice the scrappy carpet, the shoddy paint job, the bad tiling and spackling, the inferior quality of the other materials used to hold the place together. After you see the inside, the outside starts to appear tawdry too. Heh... Sound like anyone you know?