
Incidently, around noon today I drove down to the old office to give my co-worker my bottle of 5HTP. She had dropped over the weekend, and the aftermath wasn't pretty... She felt like shit yesterday, hadn't eaten or slept since Saturday, was nauseous, coldsweating, the works...

Times are tough at work, especially these days. She's had double the workload since I've left the office.... and in the face of layoffs, she can't afford to lose any concentration and underproduce.

She's 30, looks 27 or younger. Single and looking to settle down. Smart girl, street-smart and intelligent. Good-looking, tall, leggy, crystal blue eyes and long blond hair. She's got enough going for her, and she doesn't need this shit.

Even before I found out she was dropping this weekend, I'd planned on giving away the bottle of 5HTP. I will not be needing it again. Cleaning out my closet... I do not plan on ever dropping again. Not unless I find out I have less than 6 months to live...