
What have I been up to?

Hula is going well. I like it so far. It's not easy, but with constant concentration, I can kinda move my hips and legs the way I'm supposed to move them. Not all that gracefully yet, though. After all day in a buildingful of programming men, it feels good being in a roomful of dancing women.

During lunch today, I played in a TT (table tennis, or ping pong, for all you non-Indian people) tourney at work. There are only 4 mixed doubles teams (due to the serious lack of women in the building), and we beat two of them. I hardly ever play TT, but got dragged into playing by the dudes. We will play the final game the week after next week.

All next week, I'll be on a Royal Caribbean Cruise to Baja California with my parents and brother. Ugh, another family vacation. Last year's was an emotional disaster. This year's should be better. I'm better. And I think they're better too.

I have less to do at work. I've done some volunteer work. I've made a couple new connections. I've been having a hard time sleeping on the bed at Babe's place. I've been listening to Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles. I'm looking into guitar classes or lessons. I'm waiting for the new sunglasses that I ordered online to ship (they're backordered). I finally bought a suit jacket for interviews. I just bought a pair of Charles David shoes for $180 from Zappos.com. I'm going to buy a tennis racquet and learn how to play. I really want to quit playing poker. I want to go to Vegas again before the year is over. Sometimes I think about smoking pot one night for the laughs, but I know I shouldn't while I'm on the job hunt. I haven't gained or lost any weight. I've thought more about getting a little puppy or kitty...

Sometimes I have feel like I have excess feelings of affection to bestow, but lack recipients for those feelings. I blame the excess on my bio clock. I should probably be having kids now, and bestowing all of that excess affection on them. It has to go somewhere... I've maxed out on Babe, and getting a puppy or kitty isn't really feasible right now... so it's overflowed to our collection of Pottery Barn Snuffles bears. The poor things are treated as if they are alive. They move and talk, and need constant attention. They receive an infinite number of hugs and kisses. Their furs are matted. It's a wonder they aren't in worse shape for the wear.

That's about it. In short, I've been spending more money. If I think about anything else to tell you, I may or may not let you know.