
Last night, my face started itching again... and a few small red bumps appeared in the same areas that my poison oak rashes used to be, where a couple of scars still remain. Felt like I was getting the rash all over again... why/how??

I was itchy all day today, wondering what's going on. I thought I'd already fought and won this battle, for the most part...

Tonight, by sheer chance, while playing Trivial Pursuit, I came across a question asking what otherwise edible fruit's skin contains urushiol, the oil found in poison oak that causes rashes.

The answer is mango.

Damnit. I love mangoes. And I just bought one from Safeway last night, which explains why my face is rashing out to a small degree again. Luckily, I didn't eat it yet. I remember that when I was younger, in junior high, I think I broke out in a rash after eating a mango. My mom and I couldn't figure out why, and I avoided mangoes for a couples years after that. I started eating them again later on... and seemed to be fine with them. Until now.

Coming across that question in TP was such a coincidence... maybe what they call providence? What if I had eaten the mango?!