
I had another interview yesterday, this time for a sales rep position.

I thought I was prepared enough for the questions I could be asked, but I really wasn't. I ummed and stuttered and paused and rolled my eyes to the upper right a lot while trying to articulate the answers I was thinking. I wasn't smooth. I should've practiced verbalizing my answers more. And I should've exaggerated more. Gosh, everything is a learning experience these days.

I felt beat coming out of the interview. Beat on many levels. Humbled. As if I wasn't already beat and humbled enough...

I missed the second class of hula because of the interview. The first class wasn't quite what I expected. It's hula, so I imagined fun, laughter, and a congenial, positive, and easy-going instructor. The instructor we got is strict, serious, and seems to favor negative constructive criticism. Kinda like a high school gym teacher. She didn't try to sweeten anything up for us beginners. And there will be no skimpy outfits. No grass skirts and no coconut bras. But we'll be required to make our own long, voluminous black skirts. Nun-wear. Nevertheless, I forked out $150 for two months of classes.

I've had greater variety of thoughts and feelings lately, thanks to the new career pursuit and a few other new things I've myself gotten into.