
Friday night, we played poker. I was more relaxed than usual. I felt a lot looser in demeanor and conversation, though I'm still not so much looser in my poker plays. I'm tired of not saying much, and I'm opening up and letting more of it (not yet all) hang out, I think.

Speaking of hanging out... why don't guys flash their dicks at Mardi Gras? Why aren't there a plethora of Guys Gone Wild videos of the same variety as the Girls Gone Wild videos, but with guys sensationally revealing their balls & penises? Maybe there are, but once again, they're either be full-fledged porn vids or for gay guys and not straight girls.

Shoot... I want to be titillated, but not by way of tits!

Saturday morning, I got my hair re-highlighted. This time, Raymond suggested I go back to red highlights. They're more like magenta than red right now, and it's taking me some time to get used to the color.

Saturday was the fifth straight day of moving Babe into his new, old studio. Moving was absolutely dreadful. Dirty, wet, heavy, and unfulfilling until it was over, we were finally able to sit on the couch and catch up on all the shows we missed that were waiting in the TiVo queue.

Grumping out is an inevitable part of moving for me. I'm control freak-ish (or freakishly controlling) when it comes to the handling, organization, and placement of things. I've always upheld a strict "everything has it's rightful and ideal place" policy. Therefore, moving presents a lot of potentially frustrating scenarios for me. Feel free to call me anal retentive or Monica-esque.

We got caught up on Survivor: Pearl Islands and The OC. The thing about The OC is, at this point, the adults' character and relationship dynamics are more captivating than those of the younger characters. Even then, most of the characters are not easily likeable, with the exception of Seth. He's tolerable because he's the dorky underdog, the type for which I've always had a soft spot. Still, with all its disturbing quirks, the show is a guilty pleasure.

I pointed out to Babe that every actor and actress in the show, and many other shows, is wearing a lot of makeup, especially blush and lip balm, which is something that he, and I imagine most other guys, can't tell. Hell, these makeup artists put on so much and do it so well they could make a smokin' hot babe out of my face!

We watched the first episode of Average Joe. I recommend it. Watch poor, gorgeous Melana date and kiss the sub-average ogres. More guilty pleasure.

On Sunday night, I had a fresh, warm, glazed Krispy Kreme donut. I'd never had one that was just out of the fryer before, and it was 100 times more delicious than I ever imagined. I got giddy. And I'm still thinking about it...