
I am woman, hear me roar complain.

In case you didn't know, it's hard being woman. But you already knew that.

IQ statistics say that at my age, and probably since 25, men are more intelligent than women. I believe it, I just need to fucking accept it.

Better to be male than female in this world. I figured it out when I was a mere lass, no more than 8 years old. I've been agonizing about it since.

Now, I've had nearly 30 years as a woman, and I'm tired. Tired of periods. Tired of being the shorter, weaker, fatter, more fragile, less intelligent - albeit fairer - gender. Fairer schmairer. I want to be compensated!

Sirs, I would like to be compensated for being at such a great and obvious disadvantage. I don't feel as if I've truly experienced the advantages of being a woman, other than being able to wear concealer and bras without shame, have heterosexual sex with Babe, and get a free meal or drink every now and then...

What are the strange and mysterious advantages of being a woman that I'm not experiencing? Am I supposed to be looking forward to childbirth, as if it's a woman's one redeeming value and ultimate source of pride and accomplishment? Should I break down, swallow what's left of my pride as a childless female, and allow/expect guys to open doors for me and lay down their coats on top of puddles in acknowledgement of my more fragile condition and disposition? Is that compensation enough?


Damn I need to get out out more.