
We played poker last nite... Texas hold'em for about five and a half hours.

Everytime I play poker, I continue to play poker in my dreams when I go to sleep. I am not a very superstitious person. I don't (currently) believe dreams are supernatural visions or channels for the spirit world.

I believe the ability to dream evolved to aid our survival. I haven't read much about dreams, but I'm sure that all of this has already been postulated....

I believe... Dreams help define and fuel our intuitions. They temper our moods so that we are able to take care of necessary business when we wake. They can complete our learning experiences from the conscious day. Unresolved issues from the day back may be brought back into our consciousness through dreams, prompting us to resolve them sooner than later. Or these issues may be resolved within our subconsciousness so that we are freed from dealing with them during consciousness.

Perhaps some people are able to dream more beneficially than others. People whose dreams are more effective in helping them adjust to and balance within conscious life, mentally and emotionally, ultimately fare better in society and survive to pass on the trait. Perhaps in the future, dreams will play an even more recognized and prominent role in therapy and the healing of malignancies.