
It's finally the end of a longass day...

I left work around 4:30pm, a little later than I meant to. It was dark and slow on 101... stop and go all the way, a car behind me driving without headlights on... Looked like trouble, but what could I do? I was stuck in the 3rd lane from the left. The next thing I know, I'm hit from behind. Rear-ended by the car w/ no lights. I moved up a half a foot to put some space between me and the car before I got out to check the damage and approach the car that hit. The car hits me again! My heart was sinking about as fast as the rage was welling up. What the fuck??

I stopped traffic completely in my lane, got out of my car to confront this idiot who's just made my stressful day a lot worse... The lady in the car looked as if she was scared shitless. One look at her pale face and wide eyes, and the empathy started flowing involuntarily. I was as uncomfortable and freaked out standing there, my ass nearly in the fast lane... cars behind watching me, upset at their mishap of being in the same lane... other cars honking as cars try to change into the fastlane... I asked the lady for her insurance info, but she didn't provide right away, mumbling something about her brakes suddenly giving out and not knowing what was wrong.

then she asked me if I'm ok. I told her to get out of the car so we could both look at any damage to my car. Hasty glance revealed only a few minor scratches on the black bumper. It was dark, I couldn't see much, and I was feeling increasingly anxious to get outta the scene. The lady returned to her car, and I talked to her through her rolled-down window... told her I didn't want to get her in trouble over a couple small scratches. She gave me her business card, told me her name... Scherazade. I can't even pronounce it. The cars were zooming by behind me... I told her to be more careful, got back in my car and drove off. I forgot to tell her to turn on her headlights.

Several hours later, it all sunk in... along with the nausea. I'm so disappointed in myself for handling the accident the way I did. I should've insisted she provide me with her insurance info. I should've been more harsh. I should've taken a closer look at my bumper. I should've gotten her to pull over to the right. I should've at least noted the make and model of her car and jotted down her license plate number. All these I-should'ves... I had panicked. I was moved by her fear. I was paranoid. I just wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible, willing to let the lady get away with rear-ending me. I'm the idiot.

I called her around 10:30pm, got her voicemail, and left a message to call me back and provide me with the information I should've gotten at the scene. If she doesn't call back, and I can't reach her, I'm stuck with an imprint of her license plate holder on my bumper... Another lesson learned.