
I can't lie well. I wear my emotions on my face. I'm broke and already have huge outstanding debts. Therefore, I'd make the worst poker player...

And even if I wasn't the worst, if I was actually any good at it, I'd never play poker to pay back my debts. Why play a money game if not to win money? I've hardly played, and I've hardly won. Some people play for "fun." I don't get that. I don't get enough pleasure out of the game, with or without winning it. Either you play for money, or you play to mentally and psychologically beat down your opponents. If you play "friendly" games amongst your friends, how much fun can you get out of taking down their poker faces and outsmarting them out of their money? Ok, maybe that can be a lot of "fun"... in a mean, egotistical sort of way.

At the end of the night, if I don't win big, what do I have to show for all the time I just spent playing the game? I come away with nothing. If I play sports, I burn calories. If I spend on drinks, I get a nice buzz and maybe more if I'm lucky. If I pay for club cover, the music's raises my spirits while I dance my cares away... etc. But what do I get at the end of a poker game?

Well... if friends are interested in playing tonite, without real money, I'll give the game another chance... at providing me with some amusement. As I've said before, it's worse to lose without playing at all than to lose after trying to play. Yeah, yeah... Poker is a skill game. The more games I play, the better I should get. Let me lose fair and square, and then I'll move on to bitching about something else.