
Earlier this year, some of my friends and acquaintances got into playing poker with a lot of real cash. $40+ was (and still is) a lot to me. They were blowing away (well, giving to each other) a whole month's worth of meals in one night! It made me sick to my stomach. The money they brought to the table would've made me feel rich for weeks. I couldn't play the game 'cuz I didn't have even an extra $10 to put out there.

Thankfully, things are a little better for me now. If I suddenly achieved great wealth, I'd buy myself a laptop, a digital camera, and a dream house for my parents. I would also set aside some money for travel and further education. But I would undoubtedly use the rest to help out the less fortunate than me. And I'm not saying that because it's Christmastime, and I'm "caught up in the spirit of giving." I've always wanted to have enough to give away. I see need everywhere. I want to give. I want to help.

I would not lay any of my wealth on a fuckin game table...