
Are are any commercially sold machines that effectively prevent the formation of dust? A machine kinda like a noise-cancelling machine. A gadget to cancel all dust. Stop it before it starts.

I guess any machine that could eradicate dust mites, like an anti-microbial air purifier, would work. But what about something that specifically targets dust? Are those types of machines sold to consumers like humidfiers? If so, exactly what should I be looking for, and where could I get one?

Here I am, an anti-bacterial-toting microbe-o-phobe... a stickler for efficiency and everything being in it's rightful place. And yet, there is always a nice matte or fluffy layer of dust on top of my perfectly arranged and organized things. Oh, the irony.

Dust bites.

Dusting is the part of cleaning that I hate the most. It's a never-ending task. Dust accumulates the moment I stop dusting. It taunts. It grays out the colors of things. When I dust my room, I have to turn it upside down, basically uprooting my life for a couple of nose- and eye-watering moments, to get to it all.

There was that one time I went over to my parents to sort and clean out all the junk in their den, and broke out in hives. I've always been allergic to dust. But that day, the dust didn't just bite me, it spanked me until my entire body was rashed to the extent that Benadryl was no use.

I want my revenge on dust... rid it from my life once and for all! [cue evil laughter]