
If it weren't for weekends, I'd have so few blog entries these days...

Fri nite. I had dinner w/ the parents in Milpitas to celebrate their 31st anniversary. Thirty-one years of marriage, and all my mom wanted was Peking Duck w/ the family!

Over dinner, I talked w/ dad about buying a house. My parents are too quick to dole out advice soaked in their religious beliefs, but they are too slow to give me any financial advice other than "move back home." Neither dad or I had brought up the subject of buying a house before, so I finally brought it up 'cuz I really should know what they're going to do.

My parents have lived and owned the little house in Castro Valley for long enough, and I don't really want to inherit that house. I think dad should buy a place in Fremont while mortgage rates are still low. I honestly think they would live well in Fremont (where there seems to be a Chinese church on every other block). I could chip in for the house when I'm able to, since I'm looking at getting out of cc debt (damn finally!) by the end of this year or early next year. I might want to eventually own the next house my parents buy, and not have it split between my bro and me in the future. Well, I dunno... I have more thinking to do, but at least now I know what's my dad's been thinking.

After dinner, we played poker w/ the usuals.

Saturday. We went rollerblading at Shoreline in the afternoon.

We had dinner at Secret Garden. It bothers me that I must travel all the way down to Santa Clara for good Korean food. New restaurants, shops, and stores just keep on popping up down there (not to mention my friends are buying houses there too), leading me to think that someday I may be compelled to move down into that area. And I don't currently like the though of that.

We saw The Italian Job at Mercado. The plot and dialogue kinda stunk. But suped-up mini coopers are quite cool little things. There is an ultra-overgrown Samoan-looking dude in the movie who says, "Baby, go relax" to his teeny woman every time he needs to discuss business w/ the guys. I thought that was cute. And my man said that there's one scene where Charlize Theron looks kinda-sorta like me (I think he said it's when she's practicing opening a safe in her hotel room, right before Mark Wahlberg's character busts in). That's so, so flattering... that Charlize and I could look alike for even an instant.

Sunday. I finally got the bed. It's hugeass. Fat and phat.

In the afternoon, I washed my car. Twice. I used actual carwash soap this time, and my car looked so much better than I expected it to after the wash. I was really amazed. What a difference the good stuff makes. Up until now, I'd been using dishwashing liquid 'cuz I had to be freakin' cheapo about everything.

Monday. An estimator stopped by my work in the morning to take a look at my rear bumper. Now I have a check from State Farm for $735.

I'd filed a claim a week ago with State Farm (didn't have to take it to a small claims court), and they waived my $500 deductible because I was hit by an uninsured motorist who was at fault. Scherazade never returned their calls.