
I didn't go into the office today, and had lunch today with a few people who work at Siebel. Man, they can take long lunches. Well, I can work from home... We're all lucky we don't have strictly-one-hr-lunch-nine-to-five jobs.

The conversation turned to the subject of clubbing, and how we've been sitting out for awhile... either because we currently have nothing to wear because we've been seen in all of our summer stuff too many times over, or we're waiting for our favorite stores (A|X) to put out a better selection, or we've been hibernating, gaining weight, waiting to drop some pounds before we get back out in the seen-and-be-seen scene, or we're giving our livers and wallets a rest.

This conversation comes up every couple of months within our groups of friends because we're not yet too old to club (without looking like silly or dirty old people). We're still able to do the cycle... club like crazy for months straight, take a break, then make a grand come-back. But how long will we be able to do this? At some point, we'll be too old to go back, even if our livers are still healthy, and we're in great shape for our ages, and we have enough money to buy as many bust-boosting tank-tops and tight black shirts.

Time's a-tickin'.

Then what would we do? How/when/where would I get my club-dancing fix? Would I find something to replace it? Don't tell me tending to a hubby's needs, changing diapers, turning a house into a home, or cooking food for potlucks would do it for me then. I won't believe you. Until the fearful day that it does.