
Everyone is wacked. Seriously. What's up with everyone trying so hard?

WHY?? Why? WhY? wHy?

I give up. I'm not going to try hard. Not for anyone. Not anymore.

I'm going to act like a 15-yr-old-girl blogger. Their lives seem colorful and interesting. Oh, to be young in these times... If I'da grown up with the web, man... maybe I wouldn't have grown up to be such a freak'n schizo. But then I'd hafta have a buncha stoopid girlie friends to hang out with and talk shit about. Christa and Vikki and Ashley and Jana. Teenage girls have the spiffiest sites! My blog template sucks ass. Need to fix it up. But do I have the time to? No.

WHY? why? Why?

(I don't make a very convincing 15-yr-old girl, do I...)