Top 5 things that bother me at this moment about THE MOVE/Breakup:
1) Needing to replace all the little things I used to be able to share. It feels funny having a whole tube of toothpaste all to myself now... feels like such an inefficiency. It kills me to have to spend on replacement items that come in big bottles/packages, and to buy at least 500 of whatever (like Q-tips) at once in order to get a good price break. It's difficult deciding how to spread out my extra pennies to cover the things I needed even before I moved and the things I need now because I moved.
2) Having no internet/laptop at home. Even when I was able to use the ex's, I felt bad always using it. A laptop is the first big thing I want to save up for. One day without internet feels like an eternity.
3) Having a lot less physical space to contain/hide my stuff. I'm surrounded and being suffocated by my own stuff! There aren't enough closets or cabinets to hide it all way now. (I live in a 3bdroom condo w/ four other ppl.) I feel like getting rid of half of what little I already have.
4) Finding food. There was always something in the fridge at the old place. All I have right now is a bag of bagels and a 6pk of water bottles. I'd better figure out soon how I'm going to do meals from now on, before I start feeling and seeing the effects of eating badly.
5) The ex trashtalking about me behind my back to my friends, acquaintances, people I just met or haven't met yet. Come to think of it, he did this even while we were still together. I never did anything with the intent to hurt him. It's kinda pitiful how he tries to hurt me this way.
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