
I played basketball last nite. Now my butt hurts... not from working out my glutes, but from falling on my ass a couple times toward the beginning of the evening. I was slipping around on the court in my brokedown running shoes, and got knocked over easily 'cuz I kept gettin in the way. I guess I got a taste of how my rollerhockey buds feel when I knock 'em over all the time. Heh. I can take it. Try and break me. The only thing I mind is, it's kinda embarrassing when I'm the only girl on the court, and pps think I fall all over the place just 'cuz I'm a girl. It ain't that, it's the SHOES, damnit! I need new shoes!

And then I went home and moved 90%+ of my stuff out of the old place and into the new one. It was weirder doing that than I thought it would be. I mean, I'm excited about the move, and I feel really good about my newfound freedom. Removing stuff from the old place just felt sorta like undo-ing a year of life, or like taking away evidence from a crime scene... I was reminded of the condition of my life when I moved the stuff into the place last year. It's interesting how... hm, what am I thinking... I can't find words 'cuz it's damn cold in here. Why do these fools always turn up the AC so high??