
I found out today that my friend, Milly, just got engaged over the weekend. I'm excited for her!

I was wondering when it was going to happen, since it seemed like a when-not-if thing. She and her man are planning on getting married in more than a year, maybe even in 2007. Gosh... I told her we could all start planning our own 2007 weddings right now, it's so far into the future.

And she asked me to to be one of her bridesmaids! I feel SO honored and privileged. That a friend would consider me worthy of holding such an important position in such a significant event in her life makes me feel wonderful and validated and flattered. Ornery as I am, I must've managed to do a few things right in this life.

Amy is also engaged. She is getting married in May... to the "good friend" who pursued her throughout much of college and beyond, though he was unsuccessful for years. I would've never guessed she would give in and go out with him, much less marry him. Persistence really paid off. (Note to self: Beware of persistence.)

I remember, while we were in college, she and I and some other friends talked about which of us we thought would get married first and last. We all thought she'd marry last. We didn't think it'd be me. But I'm glad it's turning out that way. I felt sheepish back then, sensing they all thought I'd be one of the first. Now I find it nice sitting back and watching them all do the walk before me.