
Guys and stuffed animals. Do they click?

While I believe stuffed animals like us all equally (before being mistreated, ignored, or maliciously damaged), I've wondered how the male majority feels about stuffed animals... whether it's common or not for men to have the capacity to feel the same way about them as (some) women (such as I) do... you know... see the darned cute thing, feel warm on the inside, want to pick it up and hold it close, squeeze, animate it, say awwwww...

The last couple of boyfriends I've had seemed to have or to gain that capacity during the relationship. But how common is that among secure guys over the age of 4?

So I took a quick, unscientific poll. Out of the 9 guys I polled over IM, only 3 of them seemed able to be moved enough by the cuteness of stuffed animals to want to interact with them. Of the guys that said that stuffed animals do nothing for them, all 6 said they find real live animals cuddly and lovable, and they have the capacity to get attached to them.

And there you have it. A poll that tells you nothing, and nothing you didn't already know.

I think I'd be a little disappointed if my man wasn't able to appreciate and adore stuffed animals along with me. I've always been a bit suspicious of people who aren't able to open up their hearts to soft, adorable, plush creatures of fluff and pellets...