
"...for what it is worth, the composite of the ideal woman, is a flirtatious, thrill-seeker with an average build, long, light brown hair and a college degree, who doesn't smoke, drinks socially and enjoys public displays of affection." (excerpt from here)

I think I need to be more flirtatious.

I'm quite the opposite. Anti-flirtatious. Mainly because I try too hard not to lead any guys on. I hold myself back, act like a plain jane, speak curtly so as not to give them any reasons to start liking me that way. (Babe says the reason is simply that I'm Asian). I think I overdo it and come across as surly. I might be doing more damage to myself than I'm trying to prevent.

I'm not at all the type of girl who can flip her hair and wink and shrug her shoulders and/or feel flattered when a ton of guys are hopelessly crushing on or falling in love with her. I mean, those types of scenarios cause too much trouble for me and bring me down. They make me want to go home and hide out in my room. I can't deal with the pressure. I can't handle the attention. I'm too sympathetic. I hate hurting and losing "friends" who've found some reason to like me.

Some girls are totally nice to everyone without discretion, and they don't care if that leads to giving guys the wrong idea and not having any truly platonic guy friends who don't secretly want to be more than friends. I guess they realize the extra fans couldn't hurt and could only help increase their confidence and appeal. I'm not one of those girls. (And maybe all my guy "friends" really do want to bone me.)

Maybe I should be more like those girls... to improve my overall reputation and image, and so that more people would consider me good company. I'd have more friends. I think guys subsconsiously or deliberately prefer to have girl friends who are flirtatious, even if they remain just friends. I mean, when is flirting ever not fun?

Alright. I'm going to try to be more flirtatious. With everyone. See where it takes me. It's part of the whole loving-being-a-woman thing I've been trying to accomplish. I think women flirt to feel better about themselves and to max out on the benefits of the advantages of being female. Have-it-flaunt-it type of mentality. I never really did have that mentality, but now I will give it a try.

Let's see what I've got.