
Today's Asian man is a lot lot sexier than yesterday's Asian man.

When I went to the gym yesterday around 7pm, I saw many more men than women there. I suppose around that time, the women are at home cooking or doing other domestic things. And I guess many of the men at the gym at that time are unattached. Many of them were Asian. San Mateo and Foster City may have a relatively large Asian population, but I've never seen this many Asians at the gym in years past. I've been a regular at gyms for about 10 years.

I took a look at these guys... There seems to be a new breed of Asian man in the Bay Area. These are not your stereotypically skinny, bespectacled, wimpy-looking Asian men of decades past. Most of them are quite built. Big and buff they are. They're at the gym regularly. Every day. They come in pairs or threes and fours. Can't tell if they are in HS or my age...

Is the young, gymming, muscular and jockish Asian male a growing trend? Are more Asian men into their bodies these days? Will they finally beat down the old images of Asian males that have been ingrained into our society at large? Are they finally going to become the sex icons that Asian women have become before them? For my sake, as well as theirs, I hope YES.