
I was at Starbucks tonite, and I'd already gotten up my frappuccino at Starbucks... when two girls walked up to the counter together. I didn't notice at first... did a doubletake when I realized that one girl was wearing the exact same pants I was wearing, and the other girl was wearing the same jacket I was wearing!

Pants-girl was blond and kinda sloppy-looking, and jacket-girl was Asian, with bright magenta highlights in her hair. And they both looked like they're still in high school. (I think I saw that Asian girl at the ice-rink more than a month ago.)

I dress like a teenybopper... or whatever they call those kindsa teens these days.

It was such an embarrassing moment for me. They must've heard me and seen what was up, since I spoke rather loudly as I pointed out my little fashion faux paus (that's what it felt like) to my friend. I hid behind the side of the counter until they left, lest anyone else notice. I saw them drive off, so they couldn't have been more than 10 years younger than I am. Small consolation...