
Something I thought was kinda funny... More than several years ago, whenever I asked a guy around my age who his favorite male actor is, the answer I almost always got was Harrison Ford.

I guess back in the day, Mr. Ford was the safest answer the average macho homophobic male in his late teens early 20's could muster. Well, what boy born in the early 70's did not want to be Han Solo?

Who's the average man's favorite male actor these days?

Over IM, I polled 11 guys around my age, 2 of whom are non-Asian. There is still a lack of diversity among my guy friends, skewing my poll. Two guys said they don't have a favorite male actor (perhaps the macho homophobic males of this day and age). I got two votes for Brad Pitt, and two votes for Tom Cruise. I got one vote each for Adam Sandler, Ed Norton, Jack Nicholson, Robert Deniro... and a tie vote from one dude representing for his bros Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Second favorites were George Clooney, John Cusack, Bruce Willis, and Jason Statham. We're all across the board this time.