
My mind's pretty scattered today. I'm trying to finish what I'm working on by the end of the day's deadline. I also want to read-up on the latest news about the war. I've got a couple of personal emails to write that required answers last week. I have people to be concerned about and to keep in touch with. I have family and friends to arrange to see that I haven't seen in weeks. I have plans for the weekend by the weekend. I have pounds to lose before summer. I have things to sell before my lease is up. I have clothes to wash and groceries to buy after work today. I have taxes to file soon. I have research to do on laptops, how to play the bass guitar, higher-paying jobs, a new place to live. I have shows and movies to see, the Oscars to watch...

I just want to be able to finish this damn documentation at work. But all these things keep distracting me.