
A lot of people like to talk about the impending war. Yes, they actually like to talk about it... as if talking about it would or could change anything. As if they know what really should be done. As if they're oh-so-much-smarter than the average fool in the government who wants to put this war on the road.

These people who like to talk about the war are ordinary citizens, like you and me.... but not me. I haven't been reading about the subject on the internet or in magazines. I don't listen to what the news and shows on TV have to say about it. You can get me to talk about it. All I have to say is...

I really doubt anyone is any more enlightened after paying attention to what the media has to say about the issue. Who are you, you non-political major you, you puny little TV viewer, radio listener, internet reader, to think you know better after what you've seen and heard the totally filtered/bias/tainted information from the media? The media is totally and constantly playing you, leading you to think what they want you to think. And you eat it all up. Readily. You can't wait to have an opinion. Oh, there's so much that you don't know.

So Mr. President looks and talks like a goober. That doesn't mean all of the decisions he and his government makes are shortsighted and rushed and stupid. And since when is an obviously bad man like Saddam Hussein innocent until proven guilty? You'd rather wait to catch him red-handed? Oops, too late, you're dead...

So you were dumb enough to buy a car that drinks premium gas. Oh well. You were dumb if you didn't expect to pay a pretty penny to maintain it. My own car takes premium. But I'm not complaining about it. All of us are trying to make a living somehow. Suck it up. Stop thinking so much about yourselves once every now and then, and maybe a little bit more about the well-being of the world as a whole.

I'm supporting the powers that be on the big decisions that they make regarding the war. I'm betting they're helluva lot more informed than either you or me.