
My manager, Chandra, got one of several Outstanding Employee awards during our all-company meeting today.

He's the most congenial and understanding manager I've had since I got out of college. He's especially patient with some of the ignorant people we have to work with at Sun and with our customers. I'd say he's the best-dressed guy in our office. Most of the guys here dress pretty scrubbily; they don't know how to match their socks to their shirts. It looks like his wife dresses him. So cute. He's has kids, and it's obvious that he treasures them greatly. So sweet.

Sometimes he doesn't process my timesheets in time for me to get my paycheck on the 15th and the 30th, but that's a small thing. He makes up words like "updation" and "preponed," which I think is adorable. Sensical made-up words rock.