
What a beautiful day today is...

Woke up around 8:30 with a bit of a headache. Drank a cup of water and went back to sleep. Didn't get out of bed until around 10:30. Went out to McDonald's for a sausage biscuit with egg, hashbrowns, and orange juice. Brought a magazine and dined in. Came home and went back to bed. Got up again around noon. Went to Tapioca Express for Combo A. Smothered the crispy chicken with the hot red powder... and sat out in the sun to eat it. Finished half of it while driving up to the Haight.

Whenever I'm up in the City, I wonder how different I'd be right now if I had grown up in a busy city, spent the majority of my early years in a more urban neighborhood. I tend to think that as long as a person is free to go wherever his/her inner desires push, no matter what his/her beginnings, he/she would end up at the same place in life eventually. No matter how else I could've started, I think it's highly likely I'd be living here... doing, feeling, thinking more or less what I'm doing, feeling, thinking now... I'd be the same person, just with a different set of experiences comprising my history.

There's just something really awesome about live DJs mixing it up within clothing stores the way they do in the Haight. Puts you in a good mood, good enough to wanna buy something though you're dirt poor and shouldn't. Lotsa cool duds, but I was looking for shoes. Despite the fact that there were many, they all seemed pretty similar, slightly different. I didn't find what I was looking for... none seemed unique-enough. Is it ok to buy a pair of shoes that looks almost just like a friend's? Or would you then be considered a poser, posing as your friend?

Stopped by Hillsdale Mall on my way back home to shop for new foundation. I haven't been wearing any for the last couple months, hoping that giving my face a break would help clear it up. But after several months and not much improvement, I think I'd rather hide my zits than wait for them to disappear. I got snared into checking out Clinique products by an aggressive saleswoman. (I really didn't wanna go there.) The stuff she put on my face didn't match my neck at all. It never does. When will these makeup companies ever get Asian skin right?

Seems like I've tried every type of medication, short of antibiotics, to get rid of my zits. Well, then there's Proactiv. I heard through the grapevine that it works wonders. Any of you who've tried it before, I gotta talk to ya.

Grabbed Jamba Juice for dinner. And that's been my day so far. Eating and shopping. Alone. Free. Simple. Relaxing. Beautiful.