
I'm quite pissed off right now. This is the third or so time that someone I know has sent an email out to a group of people whom, up until now, I've considered to be my friends, to go do something tonite. And whaddya know... I'm the only person, as far as I can tell, who's been a semi-regularly participating member of this perhaps-really-non-existent "group" of friends, who wasn't sent the damned email.

It's about something I don't wanna do tonite anyway. What I'm trippin on is the principle of being excluded again. Once may have been a mistake or an oversight. But three fuckin times?? What the hell is wrong here? Why am I being singled out for exclusion?

You know, the worst I've ever done to you is ignore you. 'Course now I'll continue to do that, but I'd never exclude you. You have no reason to be excluding me. Unless you're taking sides or something like that... Sides of what, though? I see a group as a circle. No angles, no sides. So maybe, as I hinted at earlier, there really is no group, and I'm just hyperventilating over nothing...

Well, that's usually the case. Much ado about nothing... But I really am bothered about being left out. Y? 'Cuz I've had this sick overarching exclusion complex for most of my life.

Learn about it now. 'Cuz you really don't wanna do me wrong too many times...