
The best thing about this weekend: the HEAT. The worst thing: still NO INTERNET at home.

Each of us has his/her own personal reasons for having a public-blog. Mine are: 1) to transparently document my prevailing thoughts and feelings for current and future self- amusement and analysis, 2) to give the world a chance to see bits of the real me, to know the truth, unabridged & unadulterated... so I don't die an unknown or completely misurepresented. I blog with few, if any, expectations. I don't seek sympathy or love, though understanding is appreciated. I don't blog to garner attention, to show off how deep, smart, funny, athletic, cute, or loved I am... I don't blog to provide you with a cleverly staged impression of me, or to meme and be meme-d, or to solicit answers to rhetorical and/or unanswerable questions/statements...

In my opinion, 90% of what is ever said and written is utter BULLSHIT. But I listen and read anyway...

It all goes through a sieve... and in the end, I gravitate toward people who provide me with a new/fresh/unique perspective on life through what/how they speak, think, or live. People come and go; some relationships/friendships have expiration dates... Sometimes I feel no synergy among people. Then I turn the music on, and I find it...