
Ugh, I have teenager face. Crazy breakout. Shit. I hate it. Am I not too old to have to suffer this? Anyone have any good tips re: cleansers, moisturizers, toners, pills, or anything I can do to make the breakout go away faster (other than consuming less alcohol and staying out of the sun, 'cuz I won't cut down on either)?

It'd probably help if I got more sleep. Been going to bed really late and waking up early. My left eye's been twitching on and off for the last three days, like I'm going crazy or something. :P These days, the bed feels strange and eerie and uncomforbale under me. And it bothers me that I must sleep with the same someone every single night. In that smallsmall bed. Cramped, and I can hardly move... No position is comfortable. Can't sleep deep. Can't sleep for long. I wake up, and there is that someone. Always there, always waiting for me to come in... always there when I leave. I want my own bed.