
On Friday night we had a holiday party at George's. For dinner, we had Wayne's Korean BBQ meats, which are always savory. The ribs seemed more marbled with fat this time, and I ate too many. We did a white elephant gift exchange afterwards, and I got a Transformers: The Movie DVD and spray-on hair. Then we had a mini poker tournament, and I went out early because Jason was playing and I tried to play against him. There's just something about the dude that makes me always want to challenge him.

Before going to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King on IMAX at the Metreon on Saturday, we shopped at Urban Outfitters for some gifts. I like UO more now that I've been watching The OC, and some of the characters on the show wear the clothing that's sold there. We had Burger King for lunch. (I feel you should know how badly I eat while I'm on my "holiday diet.")

I enjoyed the movie until the last 20 minutes or so, after all of the almost-dying was over, when everyone started talking and moving twice as slowly and gazing at each other for twice as long. No one died. Not even Faramir. That and the constantly changing dimensions of the hobbits are the two things that bother me the most about the movie. Everything else about it was spectacular enough for me. Sam is still my favorite character of all three movies. Oh yeah, I kept half-expecting to see the male characters kiss each other during the tear-jerking, moving parts of the movie, when their heads got quite close. That made me a little bit uncomfortable. And at the end when Sam's kids come out of their hobbit house to greet him, I couldn't help musing about Sam and his wife having hobbit sex to produce those kids. I thought I these types of dirty thoughts are unique to me, but now I realize I am wrong about that.

At night, we tried to get some people together to do something. Ended up eating dinner at Frankie, Johnny & Luigi's, and watching Raiders of the Lost Ark at Warren's. Then I remembered that I have seen some, if not all, of at least three of the four Indiana Jones movies.

Sunday was relatively uneventful. We ate at Stacks' (I still don't like the way the apostrophe is after the 's', and not before it or not there at all), and went to Best Buy and REI. We watched Brazil while eating a medium Supreme pizza from Pizza Hut for dinner. I kept feeling like just stopping the DVD and not watching the rest of it. After suffering through the whole thing, I felt depressed. Some movies manage to suck all the well-being out of me. I can't say Brazil is a bad movie. It's just not one that makes me think about or feel anything that I'd ever want to think about or feel. It's like one long nightmare. And goodness knows I have enough of those already without having to watch these types of movies.

Babe was sick all weekend... is still sick. And I have a huge zit on my forehead. It was a small thing on Friday night. Now it's bright red, shiny, and noticeable. Like Rudolph's nose. I haven't had one of these kinds of zits in awhile. I hope it's gone by Friday, when I'm on the east coast.